Recently, the results of the Eighth Annual Conference of Liaoning on College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship were announced. After going through such links as online defense, achievement presentation and expert evaluation, 23 shortlisted projects of NEU won 5 grand prizes, 5 first prizes and 12 second prizes of the “Award for Outstanding College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects”. Among these projects, 4 were rated as “My Favorite Project”, 4 “Best Creative Project”, and 1 “Outstanding Entrepreneurship Project”, with 4 papers winning the “Award for Outstanding Academic Papers”. This is the best result of NEU in its history. 11 NEU teachers won the honor of “Outstanding Tutors”, including Ding Hua, Pei Wenli and Zhu Qi from the School of Material Science and Engineering, Ma Jiaocheng from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Gong Jun and Li Jingjiao from the College of Information Science and Engineering, Wang Mingquan from the College of Computer Science and Engineering, Cui Xiaoyu from the College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, and Wang Fei, Fang Zheng and Wen Shiguang from the Faculty of Robot Science and Engineering.