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Despite what its name suggests, a hangnail isn’t partof a ripped nail still tenuously attached to the base. It’s a sliver of skin that hangs off your finger oneither side of your nail. Though it often seems likethey pop up out of nowhere, they happen when theskin around your nails gets weak and brittle to thepoint of cracking.
“They can result from a variety of things, like biting your nails, a bad manicure, dry skin, usingharsh soap and detergents, cold temperatures, and ‘waterlogged’ hands,’” dermatologist Dr. James Collyer told GQ.
Spending a day in the pool or scrubbing your bathroom with a chemical solution can definitelymake you more susceptible. And unless you live in a place that stays balmy year-round, youprobably have more trouble with hangnails during the winter.
The reason hangnails cause a surprising amount of pain for such a small wound is because of allthe nerve endings and blood vessels in your fingertips. The more inflamed your hangnail gets, the more it pushes on those nerves.
u can’t exactly avoid winter or washing your hands—but you can routinely use lotion to keepthem moisturized. If you’re cleaning with chemicals or doing lots of dishes, don a pair ofrubber gloves first. And when you’re clipping your nails, try not to cut the cuticles. Somepeople trim cuticles intentionally because it makes nails look especially neat and well-manicured, but it can also weaken your nail beds against bacteria.