Olivia Shaw, a senior at UNC Greensboro, finally decided to get her hair dyed last summer. “I'dbeen wanting to get purple hair for three years, and I finally just walked into a barber shop anddid it one day,” she says. “I was nervous, but it felt so amazing to check something off mybucket list! I think summer is the perfect time to gather your courage and do somethingyou've wanted to do for a while. It definitely makes your summer more memorable.”
UNC Greensboro的高年级学生奥利维亚·肖上个暑假终于做了染发的决定。“三年来我一直想染个紫色的头发,那天我就冲进了一家理发店把它给染了。”她说:“我其实蛮紧张的,不过完成心愿的感觉真的超级棒!我觉得夏天就是该鼓足勇气做点你心心念念的事情。这绝对会让你的暑假留下无法磨灭的记忆。”
If there’s something on your bucket list that has been on there for a while, maybe it’s abouttime to check it off! If you’ve always wanted to get into photography, buy a camera. Alwayswanted to get your first aid certification? Take a class. Take advantage of this time and dosomething you’ve been considering for a while.