“But if we know someone’s had takotsubo, theoretically we can measure these molecules, and then predict if they’re likely to have it again, because there’s a one in five chance thatthey could have it again,” he said.
Joel Rose, chief executive of the charity Cardiomyopathy UK, said the study providedimportant insights on a less well known and poorly understood form of cardiomyopathy. “It hasthe potential to improve our understanding of who may be more susceptible to developingthe condition and subsequent improve our ability to manage its impact,” he said.
慈善机构“英国心肌病(Cardiomyopathy UK)”首席执行官乔尔·罗斯称,这项研究对一种鲜为人知、缺乏了解的心肌病提供了重要见解,有可能提高我们对这种疾病易见于哪些人群的认识,进而增强我们控制其影响的能力。”
Further research is needed, said Prof Metin Avkiran, the associate medical director at theBritish Heart Foundation, to “determine if drugs that block these microRNAs could be the keyto avoiding broken hearts”.